Thursday, November 12, 2015

Time Frame

What to do
The month of October
Learn how to use animation programs:
-Adobe After Effects CC
-Cinema 4D
-Adobe Premiere
This is accomplished by looking up tutorials in the basics of these programs, especially in Youtube. After the basics have been learned, I will then proceed to learning the specifics like how to animate an atom or how to animate texts and etc.
November 1-5
Begin animating the essential materials of the animation, such as the atomic structure of an Uranium atom, Helium atom and Hydrogen Atom
November 6
Progress check.
November 7-21
Start modeling the animations that have been compiled, making the actual animation/motion of the atoms and making sure that in the end, it will actually be scientifically accurate and also aesthetically pleasing. Also begin the Draft Report for the Personal Project.
December 1-14
Begin making the movie; this will be recorded in real life in the science laboratory room in the 8th floor of the school, where I will act as the actor explaining about how nuclear energy works.
December 14-31
Implement the animations into the movie, after that, in the end of December, upload a draft of what the video would look like to YouTube to gather feedback from viewers.
January 14-21 2016
Gather the feedback and make adjustments accordingly, meanwhile begin making the rest of the infomercial by first finalizing a script of what to say at what point in time in the video.

January 30-Febuary 20

Finalize the animations and the video, add extra aesthetics effects such as luminescence and blur effect in throughout the video and begin to create the final video. By Febuary 20, the final video would be uploaded, at this point in time the product should be done and I can now proceed in continuing and finalizing the personal project essay.

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